Healing in sexuality – Living Waters

Living Waters is a healing and discipleship programme which provides help to people, men and women in their daily struggles. The central aim is to direct participants to a more profound relationship with the Lord, and through that, healing of the whole person and their relationships.
The Living Waters programme especially takes into account those who are struggling with emotional or co-dependency, self-hatred, sexual addictions, the effects of sexual abuse or same sex attraction.
All Living Waters groups are coordinated by the national team, which is itself formed of people coming from many different churches. The programme involves 30 meetings, which are organized in cooperation with local churches. The programme has been developed by the founder of Desert Stream Ministries, Andrew Comiskey. For further information:
Desert Stream Ministries www.desertstream.org
Living Waters in Europe www.livingwaterseurope.eu

Living Waters’ 20 topics

Part I: The Manifestation of Love
1. Introduction to Living Waters
2. Admitting our needs
3. The Father seeks us
4. Jesus, the Son of God
5. The orientation and strengthening of the will
Part II: Understanding sexual brokenness
6. Welcoming the Lord into our brokenness
7. The roots of gender and relational brokenness
8. Broken boundaries, ravaged hearts
9. Narcissism and idolatry in relationships
Part III: Reconciliation
10. The Cross: Awakening and accepting the real me
11. The Cross: Forgiving the perpetrators
12. Returning to real femininity
13. Returning to real masculinity
Part IV: Learning to walk
14. Carrying the cross: Holding onto the process
15. Temptation: victim or warrior?
16. Freedom from sexual addiction
Part V: Learning to love
17. Committing to Christ through the church
18. Healthy friendships with the same sex
19. Healthy heterosexuality
20. Towards Christian maturity
If you are interested in the Living Waters or CrossCurrent programs, please contact the representative for your region:

National Coordinator
Andy Chambers inheriters[at]gmail.com
tel. no. 050 379 4632

